Workshop on Online Misinformation- and Harm-Aware Recommender Systems
Co-located with RecSys 2020
September, 25th - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Topics of interest
The aim of this workshop is to bring together a community of researchers interested in tackling online harms and, at the same time, mitigating their impact on recommender systems. We will seek novel research contributions on misinformation- and harm-aware recommender systems. The main objective of the workshop is to further research in recommender systems that can circumvent the negative effects of online harms by promoting recommendation of safe content and users.
We solicit contributions in all topics related to misinformation- and harm-aware recommender systems, focusing on (but not limited to) the following list:
Reducing misinformation effects (e.g. echo-chambers, filter bubbles)
Hate speech detection and countermeasures
User/content trustworthiness
Bias detection and mitigation in data/algorithms
Fairness and transparency in recommendations
Explainable models of recommendations
Dataset collection and processing
Design of specific evaluation metrics
Applications and case studies of misinformation- and harm-aware recommender systems